* Confession is good for the soul! (AMC Two Scoops Commentary for November 8, 2004) | Soap Central

Confession is good for the soul!

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Confession is good for the soul!
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The week of November 8, 2004
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Babe writes all her letters to everyone involved confessing her sin of unlawfully keeping Bess. Wonder who delivered all those letters and why were they just left on the proverbial doorstep for anyone to see and snatch? Now everyone will know about Bess being Miranda, everyone that is except Bianca as her letter has been pushed aside by Kendall and then recovered by JR. I wonder how many people would actually keep quiet about such a thing especially in PV.

Babe writes all her letters to everyone involved confessing her sin of unlawfully keeping Bess. Wonder who delivered all those letters and why were they just left on the proverbial doorstep for anyone to see and snatch? Now everyone will know about Bess being Miranda, everyone that is except Bianca as her letter has been pushed aside by Kendall and then recovered by JR. I wonder how many people would actually keep quiet about such a thing especially in PV. Nevertheless now Tad knows and I'm thinking he's going to keep quiet. Erica is soon to know after catching JR red-handed with Bianca's letter and why in the world would Erica keep quiet? This plot is just dreadful.

Ethan should thank Kendall for all her faith in him. I find this amusing considering that Ethan was more the "love 'em and leave 'em" type since he was on his way out the door after sleeping with Kendall. What's up with Ryan showing up at the jail accusing Ethan of being the shooter and then immediately admits he doesn't think Ethan is the shooter. Maybe Ryan is having the same spells that Greenlee is. Speaking of Greenlee, wouldn't you think she'd be grateful to Kendall for pulling her away from the balcony instead of being so snide to her? Next she's nasty to Kendall when Kendall is again trying to help her. Same old Greenlee. My heart went out to Kendall when she was grieving over Miranda. She like lots of us, understands loss.

It was good seeing David get the best of Tad for a change. Normally it's David getting bashed. Even though I don't like how everyone is always hitting each other on AMC I think Tad being rendered unconscious was way overdue. Once Tad found out about Bess he falls back into his self-righteous act --- condemning Krystal and David.

How exactly are we supposed to believe in this day and age, an expert isn't available that is able to tell the DVD was a fake? Instead we had Tad stealing the DVD, Brooke announcing it was no longer in Adam's possession and Adam momentarily going off the deep end. Of course, once JR explained that Babe and James ran off together, Adam's rage was quickly erased.

Tad and Ryan both need to be put out of their misery. To think how much I used to like Tad, he's become a pompous jerk. Ryan is "Mister Know It All" as well as the savior to everyone in Pine Valley. I don't know if Ryan can actually be redeemed anymore as he's become painful to endure. I remember when Ryan and Gillian were wonderful together and then when he was paired with Kendall. Unfortunately Ryan is more the Ryan that showed up in PV as a grifter and the Ryan that slept with everyone in sight after Gillian died.

Edmund decides it's time to divorce Maria who refuses to agree. Then we have Maddie now at least 12 or 13 years old and she must be going to the same school Rosa used to attend. The uniform gave it away. I know lots of folks are blaming Edmund as he's been less than a "stand up" guy since being confined to his wheelchair, but Maria has brought a lot of this on herself by continuing to lie and keep secrets from Edmund. There's more than enough blame to go around and whatever happened to the plot involving the "murder" phone call Edmund was investigating. Suellen's AMC Fan Spotlight of the week comes from Gayle "I want Maria to go! Edmund needs to focus more on his disability and how to survive with it. Let's get Edmund & Brooke back together! Let Maria go to Las Vegas with Zach. Also, this remarkable mainstreaming of Lily is a little over the top for anyone who has worked with individuals with this disability. Let's get real !"

Filler this week included Maggie and Jonathan, who continue to have problems. Seems this relationship is destined to fail. Also Lily and her school issues. I hope this isn't going to turn into another "all parents in PV are dense and non-compassionate" similar to when Laurel was killed years ago.

Did anyone else notice those heels Anita was wearing??? There is no way that's standard hospital attire. I don't blame Bobby for being angry with her. It does appear she's hot for Aidan. We'd be better off if Anita would just leave PV. She really doesn't add any substance.

Wouldn't it be great to have Taylor Miller (Nina) return to PV and help Bobby out with wayward ways. Anything to get Nina back would be recommended. According to Brian Frons, James and Babe will be a long term couple, Ryan and Greenlee will have lots of problems... No happiness in PV for long. Enjoyed the emails and all the thoughts on our show!!

Mary Page
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