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One Life to Live-related news from 2002

It's impossible to keep up with all of the twists and turns from the world of soaps. Luckily, Soap Central has archived all the One Life to Live news from 2002.

Here are the news stories posted on Soap Central during 2002 that focus on One Life to Live or past and present OLTL performers. To read any of the articles listed below, simply click on the appropriate link. To access articles from other years, click here.

January 2002
One Life to Live is continuing with its search for a new Will Rappaport.
Roger Howarth
February 2002
When Roger Howarth (Todd Manning) is nominated for a category in One Life to Live's edition of the Soap Central awards, it's a pretty safe bet that he'll emerge victorious - and win by a big margin.
Roger Howarth
February 2002
Fan favorite Roger Howarth (Todd Manning) will once again be leaving One Life to Live. While contract talks are ongoing, Howarth's manager has asserted that the chances of the actor leaving the fictional town of Llanview are quite high.
February 2002
It's not exactly uncharted territory, but it is territory that hasn't been explored in almost twenty years.
Roger Howarth
March 2002
Roger Howarth (Todd Manning) has confirmed on his official fan club web site that he will, in fact, be exiting his role on One Life to Live when his contract expires later this year.
Brandon Routh
March 2002
Soap Central has learned that Brandon Routh (Seth Anderson) has been fired from One Life to Live. Routh was given the news on March 21st.
May 2002
One Life to Live will broadcast a week's worth of live episodes all this week. The last time daytime viewers saw a live broadcast of a soap opera, Ronald Reagan was still in the White House.
LRoger Howarth
May 2002
A rag doll modeled after One Life to Live character Todd Manning created controversy of soap opera proportions last week.
May 2002
In recent years, The Daytime Emmys have all but overlooked One Life to Live. This year it looked to be more of the same for the 34-year-old soap.
ERobin Strasser
July 2002
Robin Strasser (Hecuba) will return to her wickedly delicious role as Passions' Hecuba later this summer.
Brian Frons
August 2002
ABC Daytime has announced that Brian Scott Frons will succeed Angela Shapiro as President of ABC Daytime.
LRoger Howarth
August 2002
One Life to Live has now confirmed that Roger Howarth (Todd Manning) will be exiting the show by the fall. The announcement comes a full six months after Soap Central first reported that Howarth would be exiting the show.
LRoger Howarth
August 2002
One Life to Live has now confirmed that Roger Howarth (Todd Manning) will be exiting the show by the fall. The announcement comes a full six months after Soap Central first reported that Howarth would be exiting the show.
Andrea Evans
September 2002
Emmy-nominated Andrea Evans (ex-Tawny Moore) can add another feather to the cap of her already accomplished career. Evans will be writing a regular column for the bi-monthly Healthy Cooking Magazine.
September 2002
ABC Daytime will take some bold steps in an attempt to boost Port Charles' stagnant ratings including, according to a published report, airing a special hour-long episode in a new timeslot later this year.
October 2002
Effective November 4th, One Life to Live will have a new head writing team. The change is seen as one of the first signs of change under ABC Daytime's new president Brian Frons.
Erin Torpey
October 2002
One Life to Live viewers have literally seen Erin Torpey (Jessica Buchanan) grow up before their eyes. It's been thirteen years since Torpey first set foot in the fictional town of Llanview, Pennsylvania. But soon, viewers will be getting their last look at Torpey.
Frank Valentini
November 2002
After just two years at the helm, Gary Tomlin has been replaced as executive producer of One Life to Live. Effective immediately, Frank Valentini has taken over Tomlin's duties.
Robin Strasser
December 2002
There is a lot of talk that Robin Strasser (ex-Dorian Lord) might be returning to One Life to Live in the very near future.
December 2002
The speculation over who will take over the head writing duties at All My Children has come to an end. In naming the head writer, AMC has also tapped a One Life to Live scribe as co-head writer.
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